Michael P. Mills

Michael is a PR professional, civic activist, entrepreneur, author, podcaster and public speaker who grew up in Rochester, seasoned in Atlanta, and boomeranged back to the Finger Lakes.

He has a diverse professional and personal pedigree that includes civics, music, sports, and plotting the next entrepreneurial pursuit.

Michael brings perspective, a deep rolodex and "I've seen it all" experience to his role as founder of Laurentide Strategies, a nearly decade-old Rochester-based PR consultancy. And his career is built upon nearly 30-years of experience:
*Growing and protecting brands in the corporate, PR agency,
  nonprofit, trade association and political sectors
*Running organizations in various sectors and of differing sizes 
*Driving successful public policy; and building critical stakeholder
  relationships that enable desired outcomes
*Helping clients find white space that creates new revenue,
  programmatic, or other impactful opportunities
*Following his passions: civics (volunteerism and elected office),
  sports (playing tennis and coaching and playing hockey), and
  music (going to concerts and recovering from owning a small
  record label in Atlanta - check out his recurring playlist of new

Michael also has extensive crisis communications and proactive brand-building experience, epitomized by previously serving as a media spokesperson, communications strategist, charitable giving agent, and stakeholder ambassador for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Mills’ previous roles and experience include:
*Executive Director, Public Affairs, Golin Atlanta
*President, Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
*Southeast Public Affairs Director, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
*Deep reservoir of healthcare, water, education, animal welfare 
  and climate change issues management experience honed at
  various PR agencies
*Founder, Vote for America Georgia/Coalition for a Voting America
*Legislative aide, Georgia Secretary of State Lewis Massey
*Campaign press secretary, Georgia Lt. Governor Mark Taylor
*Assistant Director of Admissions, Hobart College

Civic engagement has always played an important role in Michael's life, from studying the Civil Rights Movement and voting during college and graduate school, to volunteering for numerous nonprofits and community groups. This passion and work led Mills to author the 2009 book, “Battling Democracy’s Decline: Lessons from the Trenches.” And it culminated with him running for Canandaigua City Council in 2023 (earning 65 percent of the vote). 


Mills earned a bachelor’s degree from Hobart College, master’s degree (Political Comms) at Georgia State University, and Advanced Management Certificate from the University of California, Haas School of Business


Mills is married to Dr. Audrey Roberson, a Professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges; and is father to toddler Lewis Mills and rescue pooch, Riesling.